Sign Forms

Follow these steps to view and sign a form

  1. Click Tools > Forms to see which forms need your signature. Click into the "Needs Your Signature" circle on the form you'd like to sign.


  2. Hover over the row for the employee whose form you want to sign and click Sign Form.


  3. You'll be brought to the DocuSign interface. If this is the first time you’ve been in this interface, you’ll need to agree to the “Electronic Records and Signature Disclosure” before you can continue.

  4. Once you check the box and click Continue, you’ll navigate through the pages by clicking the tabs on the left. You can edit or fill out any fields that the employee made a mistake or missed. Once you’re done reviewing the form, you'll be asked to sign. Click the "Sign" tab.


  5. The first time you sign a form, you’ll be asked to “adopt” a digital signature or draw one yourself. This signature will then be saved and can be reused when signing other forms in the future.


  6. Once you’ve reviewed and signed the form, click Submit.


    TIP:  If you're not quite done with the form yet, you can click Finish Later > Save and Finish Later at any point to save what you’ve done so far pick up where you left off at a later time.  
That's it! This form will now move to a "Completed" status and is ready for download.
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