Download Completed Forms

Once forms have been signed or approved by all parties, the next step is to download! 



  1. Click into the "Completed" circle for the form you're looking to download.


  2. Download a PDF version of an individual form by clicking the download button. The form will download with the following naming convention: “EmployeeFirstName_EmployeeLastName_Form Name.pdf” for example, “Angela_Martin_Form W-4 2021.pdf”


  3. You can also download multiple forms at once. Just select the forms you want to download and click Actions > Download Selected.


  4. You’ll be brought to a new “Bulk Downloads” page where a zip file will be prepared for you. This should only take a minute, but you can navigate away from the screen while the zip file is being prepared. The status will read "Ready for Download" when the zip file's ready.


  5. Once you click the download button, the zip file will download to your computer. When you open the zip file, you'll notice each form is an individual PDF. 
  6. This "Bulk Downloads" page will also serve as a log and will display information about the form, such as who created the bulk download and at what time. You can return to this page to download the zip file again by clicking Forms > Bulk Downloads on the left-hand navigation.  


  • The zip files on the "Bulk Downloads" page will expire after 14 days, so they cannot be downloaded after that point. However, you can always download the completed forms again under "Manage Forms" on the left-hand navigation.
  • Standard Administrators who do not have access to view salary info for an eligibility group will not be able to download a form with a salary field in that group.
  • On the "Bulk Downloads" page:
    • Advisors can view and download the bulk downloads created by any other Advisor or Administrator, as well as any created by Maxwell Health.
    • Master Administrators can view and download the bulk downloads created by any other Administrator and Advisor, as well as any created by Maxwell Health. Note: The name of the Advisor will appear as the individual who created the bulk download, even though they are masquerading as an Admin while doing it.
    • Standard Administrators can only view and download the bulk downloads created by themselves.
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