About Reports

Reports will help you get your employee data out of Maxwell. In this article, we’ll review:

Find the report you're looking for

To get started, head to Tools > Reports > Library in your Admin portal.


The Reports Library lists the reports you can run (see a list of commonly used reports).

The Vertical and Horizontal cost and coverage and pending election cost and coverage reports have basically the same information, but are formatted differently. The Vertical report has each product on a separate row (so there will likely be multiple rows for one employee). The Horizontal report has only one row for each employee with each product in columns.

Other than the format, the biggest difference between the Horizontal and Vertical reports is that the Vertical report includes dependent demographic information such as DOB, address, etc. The Horizontal report does not include this information as it would be overwhelming to list across in columns. 

Generate and Download a report

In the Reports Library, as you hover over a report you'll see VIEW appear. Click on the report you’re looking to generate.


On the report view, you can prepare the report by filtering the information to get only what you need on the report. This is completely optional. The filters will default to the most common use case, but you can edit them and generate the report. You can also select the columns you'd like to view on the report before you generate.

Tips on using filters

For coverage, pending election, and cost reports, you can define a single date or date range for coverage dates.


Example: If you select coverage date range of 5/1/20 - 4/30/21, you’ll see all employees who are covered during that range. This includes employees with products effective 1/1/20 - 12/31/20, 2/1/20 - 12/31/20, etc.

Generating the report in the Reports Library

  1. You can rename your report so you’ll recognize it in the future.
  2. Once you’ve prepared the report filters, click Generate Report.
  3. It will soon be available to download in your Recently Generated Reports. A copy of this report will also be saved to your “Report Downloads” so it’s available to download later. 
  4. Click Download and the report will download to your computer in seconds. The report will be in a XLSX (Excel) format.



Create a custom report

Save your filter and column selections as a custom report to use again in the future. Check out the slideshow below to see how this works.


Schedule a report to generate automatically

Save your filter and column selections and schedule a custom report to generate on a set schedule. 

1. Select Schedule to view your options and schedule a report to run.


You can choose to schedule a report every week or every month and select the specific day of the week or date of the month depending on your setting.

2. Set the timing of when the report will generate.


You can choose to schedule a report every week or every month and select the specific day of the week or date of the month depending on your setting.

3. Set the specific filters based on when your scheduled report will run.


For example, if you want to schedule a coverage report to run every month, you can filter it to include only coverage for the 1st of the month when it is generated or select a date range.

4. Select Schedule Report

You'll receive an email notification when your report has been generated and is ready to download from your Recently Generated Reports section.


Note on Administrator permissions

  • A Master Administrator can view, download, and delete all reports listed in “Report Downloads” or “Recently Generated Reports.” A Standard Administrator can only view and download the reports they’ve generated.
  • Standard Administrators can only view employee data within the eligibility group they have access to. They will not be able to select eligibility groups they don’t have access to, and those employees won’t show up on the report.
  • If salary information is restricted from a Standard Administrator, and they run a report with a salary field, that field will say “RESTRICTED.”
  • Any Custom Reports created in the Reports Library are visible to both Master and Standard Administrators. Standard Administrators will still be limited by the eligibility groups and salaries that they're allowed to see when they view filters and download the Custom Report.

General tip on reports including waived products

Here’s what to expect if you include waived products on your report:

  • If the employee waives the entire benefit type (example: by clicking I Don’t Want Medical Insurance), then all of the products that were in that benefit type will display on the report as waived.
  • If the employee enrolls in one product (ex: the medical HMO) and ignores the other products (ex: the medical PPO) within the same benefit type, the medical HMO will display on the report, but the medical PPO will not display the report.
  • If the employee enrolls in one product (ex: the medical HMO) and actively waives another within the same benefit type (ex: the medical PPO), the report will display both the medical HMO as enrolled and the medical PPO as waived. For this reason, if you run a report with just waived products, you may want to cross-reference it with an enrolled report to make sure you are getting the full picture.
  • If the employee ignores a benefit type, and there are no other products offered within that benefit type (ex: does not interact with the one offered voluntary life benefit), the report will display the voluntary life product as waived.
    Exception: The voluntary life product will not display as waived if an HR administrator shops on behalf of an employee in the Administrator view and decides to ignore that product. The HR administrator would need to waive the product for it to display as “waived” on a report.
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