About Notifications

Notifications allow the appropriate parties to be automatically notified when certain events happen in Maxwell Health.

In this article, you’ll learn:

Note: Managing notifications requires you to be a Master Administrator in Maxwell Health. Standard Administrators do not have access to set up, edit, or delete notifications, however, they are able to receive and view notifications.

Set up notifications  

Follow these steps to set up notifications.

Edit and delete existing notifications

Once a notification is set up, it will be listed in Notifications. Click Edit to make changes to the notification or Delete to remove the notification.


View notifications as an Administrator

  1. When a notification is triggered, you’ll receive an email with the subject “Maxwell Health - New HR Administrator Notification from [Employer Name]” and a link that will take you to log into Maxwell. You’ll then see the notifications on your Dashboard.



  2. When you click on that notification, a pop-up will provide more detail. Click Mark as Read, and the notification will be placed under your Read notifications, or, click Keep Unread, and that notification will remain on your Dashboard.


View notifications as an external individual
  1. An individual external to the Maxwell Health system (or an individual within the Maxwell Health system, but external to this employer) who’s been set up to receive notifications will receive an email with the subject “New Notification.” The body of the email will not contain any information about the notification. It will contain a link that when clicked, will open a new tab in their browser, where they’ll be prompted to enter the password for the notification.
  2. Once the password is entered successfully, the details of the notification will appear.

Types of notifications 
  • Change Reason: receive a notification when an employee goes through a change. This notification will send when the change is initiated, regardless of who initiated the change. You’re able to set up notifications for all Change Reasons, or only certain Change Reasons.
    • Note that if you select “All Change Reasons,” you will not receive notifications for administrative changes and corrections in the system.

  • Help Request: receive a notification when an employee requests help through the system. You’re able to set up notifications for all questions, or only certain questions.


  • System Notifications
    • Confirmation of Benefits: You can receive a notification when an employee who has benefits available to enroll in or make changes to submits their enrollment.
    • Forms Notifications: You can receive a notification when forms are ready for your approval or download as well as setting a weekly reminder notifications for forms to approve.

  • Integration: if applicable, receive a notification when synchronization events happen with an integration. These notifications will vary based on the type of integration. Check out this article for more information on setting up notifications for an integration.
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