Supported in Maxwell: Forms

Maxwell’s built-in e-signature workflow allows you to send forms to employees to view and sign electronically through Maxwell Health. There are two main reasons you and your employer clients will want to use forms in Maxwell:

  1. To submit product elections to carriers. Maxwell supports carrier forms used to record an employee’s elections to submit to carriers. Of course, carriers vary in how they accept election information. You wouldn’t want to use carrier forms for products that have an EDI connection with the carrier, or that should be submitted via web-based enrollment tools or reports/spreadsheets.
  2. To onboard new hires or collect information needed for HR. Maxwell supports both government forms (W-4s, I-9s), as well as forms unique to your employer client (direct deposit information forms).

You’ll provide these forms to Maxwell as part of implementation or renewal process. You can also add forms to an existing portal at any time by submitting a request here.

While most forms are supported, we do have some limitations.

The following forms are not supported in Maxwell:

Type of form


Product enrollment forms that are customized by the brokerage/employer and cannot be reused across our platform


Carrier forms with pre-populated or highlighted form fields (ex: policy number, which is already in Maxwell)-- these will be replaced with a generic version from our library

Forms designed by an employer or brokerage


Our product enrollment forms are carefully encoded by our team with advanced logic so that information from the Maxwell platform can be pulled onto the form, eliminating dual-entry for many fields. Because this logic takes significant time to set up for each form, we cannot support customized versions and continue to get these forms entered quickly.

Carrier forms to be filled and signed by the employer Summary of benefits and coverage attestation Maxwell is designed to optimize the forms signing workflow between HR Administrators and employees. These forms should be handled outside of Maxwell.
Documents There are no fields for the employee to fill out (ex: A PDF on the company’s 2017 holiday schedule) These should be uploaded as documents in Maxwell.
Forms with notary or physician signatures Claim forms    Notaries and physicians cannot log into Maxwell and sign forms as recipients.
Pre-onboarding forms Offer letters Employees come onto Maxwell after they’ve been hired.


Other things to keep in mind when submitting forms to Maxwell:

  • Carrier network forms (ex: CalChoice, or any form with multiple carriers): Carrier network forms are accepted, however, because our autopopulation only allows us to set one carrier per form in our library, we create multiple versions of one form (one for each carrier).
    • Ex: If a CalChoice form has both Aetna and Kaiser products, there will be two forms (one for CalChoice - Aetna and one for CalChoice - Kaiser). If an employee enrolls in both Aetna and Kaiser products, they will receive both forms. The Aetna version will have just Aetna product information, and the Kaiser version will have just Kaiser product information.


  • If a form doesn’t have an employee signature, we’ll add an employee signature field when we set up the form, as long as there are fields for the employee to fill out.
    • Ex: we would add an employee signature to a direct deposit form, but not to a PDF with the company’s 2017 holiday schedule as there is nothing for the employee to fill out.
  • Forms in the Spanish language are supported, but form fields cannot be autopopulated with information from the Maxwell portal.
  • Employees without an email address in the system cannot receive or sign electronic forms in Maxwell. The integration with Docusign requires an email address in order to send forms.
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