Renewals for Live Portals

This article reviews:

If you are not using Tempo to renew your portal and would like to submit your renewal information to the Maxwell Health Renewal team to build instead, you can use this form and the renewal will be completed by the team in 6 business days instead of 4 business days.

Renewals Workflow

  1. You'll kick off and complete the renewal setup in Tempo at your own pace, whenever you're ready.
  2. After you submit the completed renewal, Maxwell will wrap up the renewal (4 business days).
  3. You'll complete your final review before launching Open Enrollment! 


Tempo Information

  • For each renewing product: any changes to plan design and/or plan documents (ex: deductible increase)
  • For each new product: SBCs for medical plans, or 1-2 page summary documents for other lines of coverage
  • Any new forms
  • Details about any new integrations, lifestyle products, or EDI connections
  • The names and termination dates of products terminating at renewal
  • Updates to eligibility groups or payroll frequency
  • Renewing and/or new product details
    • Full premiums
    • Employer contributions
    • Policy #s
    • Enrollment durations and waiting periods
    • Taxability (pre- or post-)
    • Interactions between products

How You Can Help

  • Ensure the information provided in Tempo is complete and accurate before you submit.
  • Review your portal as soon as you receive it to ensure ample turnaround time for any requested updates prior to the start of your client's Open Enrollment.


  • If you have an employer with EDI connections to renew
    • Check out the EDI Renewals Best Practices and Policies article to ensure the best possible experience in renewing existing EDI connections
    • Review the EDI Pricing StructureThere may be a fee associated with your EDI renewal.
    • To ensure timely processing of renewal elections through EDI, please note:
      • All required amendments with a carrier should be processed so the carrier can provide Maxwell with updated EDI information at least 20 days prior to the renewal date
      • Any live EDI connections that do not have all required information at least 20 days prior to the renewal date may risk experiencing an interruption to service at time of renewal.


  • If you have an employer with Marketplace products to renew
    • Lifestyle products should be renewed along with all other products in Tempo. There, you will be able to make any necessary changes to the future product. Vendors will handle updates according to your renewal submission. Any products that you do not renew will automatically terminate in the portal as of the product end date. Please keep in mind that Maxwell Health's Lifestyle vendors require a 30 day termination notice prior to renewal.
      • If you are looking to make changes to a lifestyle product, please notify

How We Can Help You

  • If you have an employer and would like to add Marketplace products at renewal
    • With a suite of products from that can be easily quoted through our Marketplace, we're confident implementing Marketplace products for your groups will be a welcome alternative, and the convenience of pre-built products will save everyone time. We recommend requesting quotes 60 days prior to renewal date, though this timeline is not required.
      • To see additional plans, please submit a quote request. The Marketplace team will quote and assist you with amending the policy and EDI updates.


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