How To: Set up Products in Tempo

There are two ways that products are added to Tempo:

Customize a product

You’ll be customizing a product for your employer client most of the time, starting with a template based on the product type. Follow these instructions:

  1. Click Products on the left hand navigation.
  2. If a product hasn’t been added to this portal yet, you’ll see a box with the choice to customize a product. The header at the top leads to the same place and will consistently appear. Click Customize a Product.

  3. Click the type of product you’re looking to add.

  4.  You’ll enter the product benefit type (except for dental and vision products), the name of the product, and select the vendor. Click Add Product.
    • The name of the product will display to employees, so name it something that will make sense to them. Add the plan year at the end of the name.
    • If you can’t find the vendor you’re looking for, click the link in the instructions. You’ll submit a vendor request to the Maxwell Team, who will make it available. You'll see the vendor will be populated with the text "Vendor Request by Advisor - Pending" so you can submit the portal without having to wait for it to be populated.


  5. Your product will now be listed under products:

  6. Click into the product to set it up! The information and strategies that display on the tabs will be based on the product type that you selected and will only show relevant details for that product type.

    • Click into the product to add employer-specific details such as the effective dates, waiting period,  contribution strategy, and linked products. For complex rates, you will also need to answer a few questions such as domestic partner coverage. Among other things, the plan display details, summary document, and rates will already be populated. Employer-specific or not, you can edit any information that pulled into the product.

  • Display details will be visible in the Administrator experience of the Maxwell portal under Benefits > Products

  • They will also be visible to employees in their Maxwell portal and the mobile app.


Note for ancillary templates: When the vendors Aflac, Colonial, StateFarm or Allstate Benefits are selected, you’ll see a note stating this product must be set up as informational-only.


When you’re setting up the product’s configuration, costs, and contributions, please be sure to select the “Informational Only Product” options.


Maxwell team adds Maxwell Marketplace products

Any products that you’ve quoted through the Maxwell Marketplace will be added to Tempo pre-configured by the Maxwell team. You’ll only need to specify employer specific details for the product.  Employer-specific information includes:

  • Eligibility groups that are not eligible for this product
  • Domestic partner coverage
  • Employer contribution (if any) on each product
  • Waiting period on each product
  • Status for each product that should appear for new hires (“Selected” or “Available”)
  • Tax status of the product (i.e. Pre- or Post-Tax)

The timing of when the product is added will depend on when you confirm the sold product to the Maxwell Marketplace Team team.

  • If the product is confirmed as sold before you’ve submitted the Employer Group Notification Form/kicked off the renewal in Tempo, or you’re in the middle of your Advisor implementation/renewal in Tempo: When the Marketplace team reaches out to confirm the product has been sold, they’ll also let you know they’ve sent information to the Implementation Team for this product to be added to your portal. You should look for the product to be added into Tempo and add your employer-specific information to the  product while it’s still in your court.
  • This is unlikely, as you should try to confirm the product is sold before your employer is submitted to Tempo. But if the product is confirmed as sold any point after you’ve submitted the employer to Maxwell in Tempo: When the Marketplace team reaches out to confirm the product has been sold, they’ll ask you to respond to them with a few additional employer specific details. The Implementation team will add these products and those employer-specific details to the portal on your behalf.

Note: You’ll add any lifestyle products on the “Additional Items” tab in Tempo.

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