ADP Workforce Now 360° API Integration - Setting up the Integration

Note: To map benefits eligibility, this integration requires that you either set up a custom employment field in ADP named Eligibility Group, or that you have access to ADP's Benefits Administration module in order to sync information from the Benefit Eligibility Class field.


Before you begin, make sure this integration will fit your company’s needs. We’d hate for you to jump into the setup process just to realize that the integration isn’t a great fit for your company today.

>> Read more about the integration and pricing here.

Adding and setting up the integration is self-service and can be completed at any time. As long as you are already an ADP customer, you’re ready to get started. Follow the steps below!

  1. Confirm all data in Maxwell & ADP is accurate
  2. Establish the connection between Maxwell and ADP
  3. Configure your data sync settings
  4. Preview your data sync settings
  5. Activate and Sync

Curious about how the new 360° API Integration with ADP Workforce Now works or what it might look like to set it up? Check our recent webinar overview session now available On-Demand to review the payroll features in Maxwell.



Step One: Confirm all data in Maxwell & ADP is accurate

Before going any further, you should feel confident in the accuracy of data that you have in Maxwell and ADP. The integration will be most successful when you know you’re starting off with accurate information!

  1. Review employee information
    • Before you sync information, you may want to review your employee data to make sure there is enough information to match employees across systems. Employees that exist in both portals will initially be matched based on Social Security Number (SSN). If SSN does not exist to match, First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth will be used to match employees.
    • When you activate the integration, the ADP Associate ID field will be used to match your employees in Maxwell with your employees in ADP. The ADP Associate ID field will display on Maxwell employee profiles once you successfully connect to ADP in the next step.
  2. Map your payroll codes in Maxwell. 
  3. Enable notifications. 
    • It is strongly recommended that you enable all ADP integration notifications in Maxwell so you can easily monitor changes that come from ADP into Maxwell and take action if necessary. You can review information on notifications here.

Step Two: Establish the connection between Maxwell and ADP

  1. Log into Maxwell and click Settings > EDI and Integrations > All Integrations on the navigation. Then select the ADP 360° API Integration.
    • ADP_IntegrationTab.png
  2. Confirm you have reviewed all the details to get started and click Next: Connect.
    • ADP_NextConnect.png
  3. Generate your activation code in Maxwell and then click View the Maxwell 360° Integration App to enter the code in the ADP Marketplace.ADP360Setup-Connect__1_.png
  4. Navigate to the ADP Marketplace to add the Maxwell app in the ADP Marketplace. Please note: You must be signed into ADP. If you can't access the page, sign into ADP first and then refresh.ADP_MaxwellApp_MarketplaceOverview.png
    • Click Try the free edition
    • Free Edition should be selected and you can click Continue
    • Enter the Activation Code under the Product Settings and click ContinueADP_Step2_EnterActivationCode__1_.png
    • Confirm Order:
      • Check the Terms of Service and select “Place Order”
  5. Authorize access to ADP
    • Once you finish “ordering” the app, you will need to log back in to Maxwell.
    • Navigate back to the ADP 360 integration by going to Settings > EDI and Integrations > Current Integrations > Select ADP 360 API
    • You should land on the ‘Connect’ step
      • The activation code you previously generated will be grayed out and the “Authorize” button will now be enabled since your portal has already been authorized from the ADP Marketplace.
    • Click the Authorize button to establish your connection and begin the steps to configure and activate your integration.

Step Three: Configure your data sync settings

This is where you’ll confirm which employees should sync and how you want to handle any existing differences in employee information to make sure everything is lined up between the two systems. Follow these steps:

  1. Set the system that will serve as the source of truth for employee demographic data upon the initial sync when you activate the integration. This is to resolve any existing discrepancies between employee records.
    • Any employee demographic data that exists in the portal you set as the source of truth will sync over and replace information in the other portal.
    • Example: If you select ADP as the source of truth, and an employee has a different address in ADP than what appears in Maxwell, the address information in ADP will sync and replace the information in Maxwell upon the initial activation of the integration.
    • Please note: This setting only applies to the initial sync of information to resolve any existing differences in employee records. Once the integration is active, all demographic will immediately sync bi-directionally, so the records will automatically match.
  2. Determine if any employees should be excluded from syncing between ADP and Maxwell.
    • Most employers will want to sync all employee records between ADP and Maxwell, but you can exclude employee records from syncing by setting filters based on employee information.
    • Example: If you have a group of international employees who will not be offered benefits in Maxwell, you should set filters to exclude that group of employees.
    • ADP_SyncSettings.png
    • Please note:This filter will continue to remain in effect as long as the integration is active. To change after activation, you will need to pause the integration.
  3. Select how you would like the integration to handle employee salary information.
    • Most employers will choose to have salaries synced from ADP to Maxwell. However, if you offer salary-based benefits that use a salary calculation other than the employee's annual gross salary, you’ll want to select “Do not sync salary data” and manage salaries separately in Maxwell.
    • Please note: If you choose not to sync salary data, any new employees added to ADP who are eligible for salary-based benefits will not be created in Maxwell automatically (since they require a valid salary).
      • You will need to add them directly to Maxwell to manage their salary-based benefits.
      • Once added to Maxwell, demographic and benefit cost information will then be able to sync with ADP.
  4. Select the ADP email, phone and eligibility group fields that will be mapped into Maxwell.


    • Note on Eligibility Group mapping:
      • If the Benefits Eligibility Class field is not available in your ADP portal, you'll need to set up a custom employment field in ADP named 'Eligibility Group'. You should set up this field to include options that match exactly to the Eligibility Group names you have in Maxwell.
      • Use the configuration settings below when setting up your custom employment field in ADP:
        • Field Name = Eligibility Group
        • Field Type = Drop List
        • Location = Employment Custom Fields
      • If setting up the custom employment field in ADP, the field should appear on the employee employment profile in the “Custom Fields” box.
      • We also recommend adding the custom Eligibility Group field to your new hire template and making it required to ensure you are completing it and that employees sync correctly.

Step Four: Preview your data sync settings

Use the Generate Preview to review how information will update in Maxwell or ADP based on the sync settings you applied for the initial activation. This will give you an opportunity to confirm that your settings are correct before you activate the integration.

  1. Click Generate Preview.
  2. Select to download the Sync Preview Report excel file that is generated.
  3. Review the Sync Preview Report. (See below for tips on reviewing the report >)ADPSyncPreviewReport.png
  4. Resolve any discrepancies.
    • As you review the report if there are differences in information between ADP and Maxwell that you would like to resolve before activating the integration, you should do that now and confirm those updates are completed by re-running the Sync Preview Report.
    • Example: If your preview report includes a row where the summary is “Cannot Sync”, and it is due to missing information inside of Maxwell, then you should review the fields that require information and make that update in your Maxwell portal.
  5. When you have reviewed and approved your sync settings, click Review and Activate.

Tips for the Sync Preview Report

Here are a few tips on how to interpret results based on the summary for each employee row on the Sync Preview Report you will run prior to activating your integration. The report lists a row for each employee in ADP or Maxwell, along with how the current data exists in each system.

Results can include:

  • Employee Filtered
    • Employee will be excluded from the sync between Maxwell and ADP due to a filter you added in your sync settings.
  • Cannot Sync
    • Employee can’t sync due to invalid or missing data. The invalid fields will be listed in the details column of the preview report.
    • Employee does not exist in the source of truth portal, but does appear in the other system. This employee cannot be synced, since that would mean deleting the employee and neither Maxwell nor ADP supports automatic deletion through the sync.
    • Employee exists only in the source of truth portal, and cannot be added as a new employee in the other system.
      • If Maxwell is the source of truth portal, and an employee only exists in Maxwell and not ADP, the employee cannot be added to ADP through the initial sync. You will need to add the employee into ADP first so information can sync between the systems.
      • An employee cannot be added to Maxwell from ADP if they are eligible for salary-based benefits and you chose not to sync salary. You will need to add the employee into Maxwell first, and then other information can sync between the systems.
  • Employee Create
    • If the source of truth portal is ADP, and the employee does not currently exist in Maxwell, it will be created in Maxwell.
    • Note: This could also be the result of an employee who was incorrectly set as “unmatched”. Double check that the employee is correctly matched between systems.
  • Employee Terminate
    • Employee in the source of truth portal has a terminated status but is not terminated in the other system. Upon activation of the integration, the employee will be updated with the termination date and reason in order to match across both systems.
  • Employee Update
    • Employee in the passive portal will have one or more fields updated. The updated fields will be listed in the Details column in addition to being highlighted.
  • Deduction/Earning Change
    • As a general rule, the deduction/earning amounts in Maxwell will replace amounts in ADP once you activate the integration. If you don’t want the Maxwell amount to replace the ADP amount, you should adjust your benefits in Maxwell (the system of record for benefit costs), or filter the employee(s). Please contact your Advisor to help you update benefits in Maxwell.

Step Five: Activate and Sync

Now, you’ll have one final opportunity to review your sync settings for the initial sync as well as your ongoing sync settings for employee’s benefit deductions.

  1. Review and Confirm:
    • how demographic discrepancies should be handled for the initial sync
    • if any employees will be excluded from the sync ongoing
    • how salary data will sync ongoing
  2. Suspend active benefit deductions in ADP:
    • IMPORTANT: If you already have active payroll deductions for benefits in ADP, before you activate the Maxwell integration you must first suspend these deductions in ADP.
      • This applies for any benefits that will be syncing deduction information from Maxwell to ADP once the integration is running.
    • To suspend deductions in ADP you can do one of the following:
      • Contact your ADP Account Representative (or the ADP Service Center).
      • If you have Universal Access mode in ADP, navigate to Setup > Benefits > Plan Setup. Then you can find the plan, select Actions, and click Suspend Payroll Deductions
    • TIP: After you have suspended the active deductions in ADP, we recommend that you generate another preview report to confirm deductions are suspended.
  3. When you’re ready, the final step to setting up your 360° API ADP Integration is to click Activate and Sync.

Note: The initial sync can take several minutes, especially if there are a lot of changes. However, you are free to navigate away or leave the app and come back while the initial sync is running.

Congratulations on activating the ADP API integration! Going forward, any matched employees (based on your ongoing sync settings) will be synced between Maxwell and ADP.


If you have a question about the API Integration functionality, setup, billing, or your sync, please contact Maxwell Customer Support at You can also learn more about how the integration works in this article.

If you have a question about ADP functionality or product offering, contact your ADP representative or visit their site.

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