You can update the display details (copay, deductible, services covered, etc.) and plan summary documents in Tempo when the portal is in Advisor review and after the employer is live on Maxwell. Follow these steps:
- Log into Tempo. For any portal that is in a status of “Complete (subject to Advisor review)” click Edit Display Details under the gear icon.
- Click Edit Display Details on the left-hand navigation and click on the product you’d like to update.
- Make the necessary updates and click Apply Updates. After confirming the updates, they’ll be posted immediately in real-time in Maxwell! No need to submit the portal to the Maxwell team.
- You can always double check that the updates were made by logging into Maxwell, masquerading as the HR Administrator for that portal, and clicking Benefits > Products.
- For Sun Life products or products quoted from the Maxwell Marketplace, these details will be pre-configured based on the sold product and will not be visible or editable.
- Updating display details will only update the display and not the underlying product configuration. If you’re updating how the benefit amount is calculated (ancillary product) or the maximum contribution (financial product), please email to let us know after you make the updates. We’ll update the configuration for this product.