Add a New Hire

View the video or slideshow below to learn how to add an individual new hire. If you have a large group and would like to add multiple hires at one time, follow the steps listed here.

Note on Administrator Permissions

If a Standard Administrator has permissions that state salary information is not visible to them, Maxwell does not allow the Standard Administrator to add salary information (on the employee's profile or when adding a new hire for the first time). If an employee is eligible for salary-based products, a salary must be entered for that employee. That means Standard Administrators with salary restrictions cannot add new employees who are eligible for products that require a salary. While we have allowed Standard Administrators with salary restrictions to fill out the salary field in the past, we received feedback from Master Administrators that the permissions they set up should not allow them to do so. If a Standard Administrator should have access to salary, you can change their permissions under Settings > Administrators.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I want my employee to start shopping for benefits before their date of hire. How can I do that?
    Some customers have been able to achieve this by replacing the employee's work email with their personal email and then changing the shopping period to be ahead of the effective date for their benefits. The employee will receive an email to their personal email to set up their account in Maxwell. Once the employee does start at your company, you'll want to change their email address back to their work email.


  2. Can I add an employee to Maxwell without kicking off a new hire event for them to shop for benefits?
    • We understand that sometimes you need to add a new employee to the system, but maybe they shouldn't be in a new hire event (perhaps because your company acquired the employee in a merger). The Maxwell system does not open a new hire event for any employees whose date of hire is 123 days in the past, which is the maximum new hire waiting period a benefit could have). If the employee was hired less than 123 days in the past, you can manually end the new hire event by clicking View Event Details > End Event.
  3. What happens, if by chance, the employee just doesn’t have an email address at all?
    • The email field is a required field in Maxwell, however, we are able to capture the email directly from the employee versus requiring it upfront from the Administrator.
    • If an employee does not currently have an email address, we would recommend having them set up a personal email account that they can manage rather than create a placeholder email in Maxwell. Due to the web-based experience with key features that are centered around electronic communication (like our communications, notifications, forms and in some cases integrations functionality), the employer would not be able to leverage these capabilities without an email address.
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