Monitor Open Enrollment

After you’ve set up and kicked off your Open Enrollment (OE) and your employees have started shopping, you can monitor their progress right in Maxwell. Here you'll find all the steps to take during your OE to make sure it runs smoothly.

This article covers the following steps:

Monitor employee progress on the dashboard
The Dashboard is the best place to view your employees’ progress at a high level. You’ll see how many days are left in Open Enrollment, as well as the employees who haven’t started, how many are in progress, and how many have checked out of shopping. You can click into each circle to view a list of the employees in each progress status, as well as relevant information like their last login date (for Employees in Progress) and last checkout date (for Employees Completed). See this article for the details on each status.

 Send reminder emails to employees
You may find your employees will need some nudging to complete their OE. You can send employees a targeted reminder email right from the dashboard. A prepared sample template will be loaded and ready to go for “Employees Not Started” and “Employees in Progress,” but you can always select a different template if needed.


Note: Maxwell indicates employees who do not have an email address on your dashboard. These employees cannot receive email communications or electronic forms from Maxwell until they have an email address entered.

Extend Open Enrollment
If you have employees who are not going to complete their enrollment in time, you have the option of extending your Open Enrollment period. 

You can extend OE during your OE period and even after it ends by clicking Extend Open Enrollment either from the dashboard or under Benefits > Open Enrollment > Set up Open Enrollment.


  • Only Master Administrators will have the ability to extend OE.
  • When you extend Open Enrollment, make sure you’re still leaving enough time to submit information to the carriers before the product effective date.
  • You cannot extend OE for one individual employee. If you need to extend the shopping window, it will apply to all employees in the Open Enrollment.

Once your OE period has ended, you’ll be ready to close out your Open Enrollment! Check out this article for everything you need to know.

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